Synergy Healthcare

Make History by Participating in COVID Trials

Make history by participating in COVID trials

The arrival of the novel coronavirus disease as a global pandemic last year should be a clear reminder of the importance of research to better understand how to prevent and treat disease. After all, without scientific research and clinical trial evaluation, none of the therapies in use today would exist. With the approval of every new therapy … Read more

Ulcerative Colitis: Do UC What I See?

Ulcerative-Colitis what is it and how is it treated?

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disease that causes inflammation and the production of sores known as ulcers near the colon’s innermost lining. Firstly, Abdominal pain is known to occur because of pus and mucous created by the formed ulcers. This illness affects all stages of life but is most associated with those between the ages of … Read more

COVID Clinical Trials Continue

COVID Clinical Trials Continue

Lockdowns, limited outings, and family separations due to COVID-19 seemingly grow further and further away in the rearview mirror of this pandemic. The future is bright, for sure, though there is more work to do before we can say it’s over. Thanks to science and research, normalcy is returning and steadily spreading across the globe. … Read more

Fibroscan: Your Liver May Depend on It

Fibroscan: Your Liver May Depend on it

Liver disease is often silent, progressively damaging your liver over many years without a person knowing. The fibroscan procedure changes that by bringing your liver health into the light in an easy, fast, and painless way. At Synergy Healthcare, a FREE fibroscan is a part of our Metabolic Health Initiative. Here’s why your liver may … Read more

Can Fruits Have a Positive Effect on Your Diabetes?

Food for thought- Can fruits have a positive effect on your diabetes_

Managing dietary needs when living with diabetes can be difficult, but here’s some food for thought; what if fruits could have a positive effect on your diabetes? Read our blog to learn all about how to incorporate fruits into a diabetes-friendly diet! Debunking the Diabetes Fruit Myth A main concern for individuals managing their diabetes … Read more

Restoring Your Synergy

Restoring Your Synergy

Every living organism shares a similar process where our body takes what we consume and turns it into energy. Our metabolic system enables this complex process, and when certain conditions affect its function, it can throw off the body’s delicate collaboration. You can start restoring your synergy by learning more about the metabolic system and … Read more

Announcing Metabolic Health Initiative

Introducing our metabolic health initiative

Synergy is building a Metabolic Health Initiative (MHI). The purpose is to increase awareness of Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) caused by fat accumulation in the liver. The initiative will begin in October and will focus on educating individuals about the importance of metabolic health. Metabolic Health Metabolic health is defined as having ideal blood sugar levels, … Read more

Spread Kindness in a New Way: Volunteer for Clinical Trials


Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAK Day) begins February 17th and continues the rest of the month. RAK Day is a global mission with one purpose—to make the world kinder: one action and one person at a time. Here at Synergy Healthcare, we believe there is no greater gift than the gift of health. This … Read more

Smart Ways to Exercise Safely with High Blood Pressure


Your heart is a muscle and needs to be exercised like any other in your body. If you have high blood pressure, exercising can help you manage it better. Keeping active also helps you manage your weight and other factors that can contribute to developing hypertension. If your doctor says you are ready for exercise, … Read more

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