Synergy Healthcare

What is a Fibroscan | Testing Preparation, Procedure and Results

As a part of our metabolic health initiative (MHI) here at Synergy Healthcare, we offer FREE fibroscans for adults at risk of developing liver disease. So, what’s a fibroscan anyway? This simple test provides many benefits to you and your health. Here’s what makes this technology such a valuable healthcare tool.

Transient Elastography

FDA-approved transient elastography (fibroscan) is an innovative and non-invasive method of observing and evaluating any changes in your liver. Fibroscan uses a special ultrasound machine to measure scarring and fatty changes in the liver. Like undergoing a conventional liver ultrasound exam, the outpatient procedure is quick, painless, and easy, and provides a non-surgical alternative to the traditional liver biopsy to assess liver damage.

Why is it Beneficial?

Your liver is an organ you cannot live without. Most diseases that cause damage to the liver often progress for years without symptoms. All too often, individuals don’t realize they have liver disease until the later stages when it’s less likely to reverse the damage already done.

Other than being quick, easy, and painless, fibroscan technology can help individuals who already have liver disease. It can also aid those at risk of developing liver disease.

  • Currently living with liver disease:
    • It can help monitor liver changes over time. This can be useful when making healthier lifestyle changes or modifying treatments. You can determine the impact of these changes in real time.
  • At risk for liver disease:
    • It can detect the presence of liver disease so treatment can begin immediately.
    • It can be used along with the guidance of your doctor to monitor your liver health regularly proactively.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a growing issue as one of the most common liver conditions in the U.S. NAFLD results from too much fat storage in the liver in individuals who drink little to no alcohol. NAFLD can progress to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a more severe form of fatty liver disease that increases your risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure.

The metabolic health initiative offers free liver scans

The good news is that by knowing your risk and making healthier lifestyle changes, it’s possible to slow, stop, or reverse liver disease progression. To learn more about scheduling your FREE fibroscan appointment, call us at (941) 896-4948 today!

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