Feasting and merrymaking are an undeniable holiday tradition, with many seasonal favorites too numerous to name. The liver doesn’t know it’s the holidays. Those with liver conditions often bear the brunt of the strain from holiday dinners and social engagements. Keeping the holidays healthy when you have liver disease is possible with a bit of preparation.
Skip or Limit Alcohol
When you have liver disease, drinking is out of the question because alcohol destroys the liver cells. Thankfully, flavors like vanilla, cinnamon, and cranberry can easily be used in a mocktail.
Minimize Butter and Animal Fats
Gravy and casseroles are generally full of butter and animal fats, such as turkey drippings or bacon. Create a lighter version of these favorites by using herb-based sauce, swapping heavy creams for skim milk, or replacing animal fats with garlic and onion to add savory flavors.
Say No to Salty and Fatty Appetizers
Cheese plates and charcuterie boards are all the rage these days. However, salty, cured meats and fatty cheeses can negatively affect the function of your liver. Choose healthier alternatives such as vegetable trays and hummus dips.
Chose the Learner Meats
Even with liver disease, you can still enjoy the holiday turkey, which can be a healthy protein portion if you choose your piece wisely. Stick with the white meat portions that are lower in saturated fat without the skin.
Add More Veggies
You can make healthier stuffing using whole grain breadcrumbs as the base and substituting veggies in place of meat products. Don’t limit your veggies to a side on your plate. You can include some extra nutrients into some of your holiday dishes by adding some vegetables to the mix.
Watch for Sugar Overload
There are plenty of options to experience the flavors of the season without overdosing on sugar. Gingerbread is typically lower in sugar content. Sugar-free peppermint bark is a great option to get a taste of the holidays. Try hot peppermint tea as an alternative to eggnog or hot chocolate when you need to warm up at the end of the day. Homemade cranberry relish is another tasty option instead of the canned version with added sugars.

In addition to these healthier holiday meals, consider extending your healthier choices into the new year. If one of your resolutions is to lose some weight, doing so can help reduce fat in the liver by up to 30%. If you have NASH, joining a clinical research study can help you learn more about your condition while helping to advance options to treat it.
To learn more about enrolling NASH studies here at Synergy Healthcare, call us at (941) 896-4948 or visit our website.